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 VFW 3168 Facebook page, VFW Post 3168 Francis J Lynch Memorial      
On Mondays the post will have Xtreme Bar Bingo. See flyers Below.

26 January and 23 February. are the next Senior luncheons. If you are 55 or older come on out and enjoy lunch with us at 12 P.M.   

Post meeting will be on 13 Frbuary at 7:00PM.

See the full Kitchen Menu under the More button

Go to Upcoming Events page to see more events and dates.

The BINGO Hall is available for rent for Weddings, Receptions, Reunions, Dinning In's or for any other special event that you are planning. Call 573-765-3168 or stop in during normal business hours to inquire about the availability and for pricing.

Please read below for information about our Kitchen, Bingo and other information 




The mission of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are Fraternal, Patriotic, Historical and Educational. To preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members, to assist worthy comrades, to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead and to assist their widows and orphans. To maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America and fidelity to its Constitution and laws, to foster true patriotism, to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies, whomsoever. 


The Veterans of Foreign Wars has been a voice for our nation's veterans for more than a century and is the nation's oldest major veteran's organization. To America and the world, the letters "VFW" symbolize volunteerism and community service. We at the Francis J. Lynch Memorial VFW Post 3168 will do our best to support and be a part of this global vision.


VFW  Tuesday Nights:

5 P.M. - Horse Races and Pull-Tab sales start
 6 P.M. - Start selling cards 

7P.M. - Early Bird game
There is no smoking in the Bingo Hall 
Canteen opens at 3pm for your beverage needs.
Kitchen opens at 5pm for short order menu


Kitchen Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs,
5:00pm till 9:00pm 
 Fri,  Sat 
4:00pm till 9:00
Wednesday is Taco night

Thursday is Wing night

Friday & Saturday are  Steak Nights with great specials both nights. The full menu is under the more tab.





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Karaoke  Konnipshin  with Brenda McDowell

Friday & Saturday
  8:00pm -1:00am           

 1 February. Marine Corps League meeting.
14 January and 11 February, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Assn. meeting.
13 February, VFW Post meeting at 7:00 PM. 
9 February, Scottish Rite Meeting.
January 26 and 23 February, Senior lunch and Bingo starting at noon. Free for everyone over 50 years old.
21 January and 18 February, Widow Sons meeting. 
27 January and 24 February, Bike Night.


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